Advanced Business Communication: Business Writing for Results

Start Date End Date Venue Fees (US $)
06 Apr 2025 Dubai, UAE $ 3,900 Register
13 Jul 2025 Italy , Milan $ 4,950 Register
19 Oct 2025 Jeddah, KSA $ 4,500 Register

Advanced Business Communication: Business Writing for Results


Writing Skills is a critical competency that underpins relationships and performance among employees and with external stakeholders, contributing to the company’s professionalism and credibility. This Advanced Business Writing Skills training course provides business professionals with the opportunity to develop their writing skills. This training course focuses on developing the competencies that allow participants from different cultures and nationalities to communicate effectively with each other. The training course helps delegates become great communicators who know how to win respect, understanding, and commitment.

Participants attending this training course will be able to:

  • Present factual and complex information accurately, clearly, and concisely in English
  • Structure wrote English content, so it achieves the results they want
  • Write reports and other business correspondence that are read, understood, and acted on by their target audiences.


    The Advanced Business Writing Skills training course is very practical with lots of opportunities to try out the new skills participants will learn. It aims to help participants achieve the following objectives:

    • Mastering the confusing rules of grammar and punctuation so the meaning is crystal clear rather than confusing
    • Writing in English on paper and screen so audiences understand it the first time and believe
    • Tailoring the English language for online mediums where word count matters
    • Applying the English language in business documents such as letters, reports, presentations, and speeches
    • Crafting technical and non-technical reports that are clear, concise, and coherent

Training Methodology

This is an interactive course. There will be open question and answer sessions, regular group exercises and activities, videos, case studies, and presentations on best practices. Participants will have the opportunity to share with the facilitator and other participants what works well and not so well for them, as well as work on issues from their own organizations. The online course is conducted online using MS-Teams/ClickMeeting.

Who Should Attend?

The Advanced Business Writing Skills training course is suitable for employees who wish to improve their writing capabilities so that they can present complex information with clarity to colleagues, leaders, and external stakeholders and to make them understand what it means and act on the information provided.

Course Outline

Day 1 - Writing for Your Reader

  • Mastering the perplexing rules of English grammar: from Traditional based on Latin to Modern based on actual usage
  • The Art of Punctuation – the traffic signals of language: tells us to slow down, notice this, take a detour, or stop
  • Practical tips to avoid overused business words, replacing them with language that creates rich variety for our audiences
  • Writing in Plain English that is clear, easy to understand, and elicits the response you want

Day 2 - Developing Advanced Proficiency

  • 12 golden rules for successful writing that ensure people read what we write
  • Inspiring, Influencing & Persuading through Storytelling: how to narrate experiences with enough detail and feeling so our audiences are engaged
  • Newsworthy writing for external audiences that will grab interest and keep people reading to the end
  • Accurate proofreading that picks up errors, confusion, and potentially embarrassing mistakes

Day 3 - Writing for Online Audiences

  • Email etiquette: creating emails that are well written and structured to people understand why they should pay attention and respond
  • How to produce relevant online content for websites and social media, and improve usability and search engine optimization
  • Maximizing the response to your posts, tweets, comments and other feeds
  • Blogging for business impact in an authentic way

Day 4 - More Practical Applications

  • Impactful Presentations: presenting messages clearly so audiences participate positively and remember our key points
  • Writing speeches that grab attention: motivating and persuading audiences when developing and delivering both informal talks and more formal speeches
  • Gold standard letter writing for business: how to structure letters so our recipients read, understand, and act on what they read

Day 5 - Powerful Reports & Briefing Papers

  • Structuring reports so readers can find their way around the different sections in reports
  • Using images, diagrams, graphs, and tables to illustrate key points in reports
  • Best practices for layout and design of typefaces, color, white space, margins, columns, numbering, page numbers, binding
  • How to write reports for people who don’t have technical backgrounds
  • Presenting complex processes, systems and other technical subjects in a clear, concise and coherent way


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