Maintenance, Reliability & Rotating Equipment

Title Fees (US $)
Turnaround Works for Onshore and Offshore Facilities $ 4,950
Maintenance Errors: Understanding, Identifying and Managing the Human Factor $ 3,900
Asset Integrity Management for The Petroleum Industry Training $ 4,500
Preventive and Corrective Maintenance Scheduling $ 4,500
Above Ground Storage Tanks : Design, Operation and Maintenance $ 4,950
CO2 Compressor Operation Equipment Function and Layout $ 3,900
Condition Monitoring and Vibration Control of Machines/Plants $ 4,500
Advanced Valve Technology: Design, Selection, Installation, Applications and Pumps: Design, Operation And Maintenance $ 3,900
Design, Analysis and Fabrication of Pressure Vessels $ 4,950
Advanced Maintenance in Offshore Industries $ 3,900
Plant Maintenance and Trouble Shooting Techniques $ 4,950
Practical Hydraulic Systems: Operation and Troubleshooting $ 3,900
Facility integrity and Technical Audit Training $ 3,900
Pumps and Compressors: Operation, Maintenance and Troubleshooting Training $ 4,500
Refractory (Properties and Application ) $ 3,900
Heat Exchanger Operation and Troubleshooting $ 3,900
Inspection and Maintenance of Above Ground Storage Tanks $ 3,900
Integrated Maintenance Cost and Budget Management $ 3,900
Risk-Based-Inspection and Fitness-for-Service of Pipelines, Piping, Vessels and Tanks (API 579-580-581 St and ARDS) and Repair Practices $ 4,500
Rotating Equipment Failure Analysis and Reliability Optimization $ 3,900
Screw Instrument Air Compressor Operation and Maintenance (Kaeser) $ 3,900
ISO 55000 and Risk-Based Asset Management $ 3,500
API 579 Fitness for Service Evaluation $ 3,900
Maintenance and Reliability Best Practices: Lowering Life Cycle Cost Equipment $ 3,900
Technical Troubleshooting Technique $ 4,500
Total Productive Maintenance (TPM) Implementation Steps and Process Improvement Tools $ 4,500
Maintenance Management Best Practices: Systems, tools and Techniques $ 3,900
Maintenance Planning, Scheduling and Work Control (Maintenance Management Professional) $ 4,500
Underwater Welding Techniques $ 4,500
Material Cataloguing in Maintenance Department $ 4,500
Valve Selection and Maintenance Training $ 3,900
Modern Maintenance and Operation of Rotating Equipment Technologies $ 4,500
ASME Sec IX, Welding and Brazing Training $ 3,900
Offshore Structures Design, Construction, Inspection, Maintenance and Repair $ 3,900
Best Practices for Cost Effective Maintenance $ 3,500
Implementing Effective Preventive and Predictive Maintenance Programmes $ 3,900
Innovative Root Cause Analysis $ 3,900
Batteries and UPS: Design, Operations and Troubleshooting $ 3,900
Advanced Corrosion, Monitoring, Prevention and Control $ 3,900
Pipeline and Piping Inspection, Maintenence and Integrity Assessement (ASME B31 and API 579 Standards) $ 3,900
Cost Effective Maintenance Management $ 4,500
Plant Reliability: Prediction, Analysis and Modeling $ 4,500
Practical Machinery Vibration Monitoring, Analysis and Predictive Maintenance: Vibration Techniques $ 4,500
Principles of Rotating Equipment $ 3,900
Pumps and Valves Technology: Design, Operation, Control, Troubleshooting and Maintenance $ 3,900
Gas Turbine Performance Characteristics $ 3,500
Reliability, Availability and Maintainability (RAM) $ 3,900
Inspection FFS Flaw Evaluation, and Repair/Alterations of Pressure Vessels $ 3,900
Road Maintenance Training $ 4,500
Integrated Program in Operation and TPM Training $ 4,500
Rotating Equipment Selection, Operation, Maintenance, Inspection & Troubleshooting $ 3,900
Machine Failure, PdM And Vibration Analysis $ 4,500
Supervising Maintenance Planning, Scheduling and Work Control $ 4,500
Maintenance and Asset Management – Railways $ 3,900
Troubleshooting Diagnostic and Maintenance of Vehicle Using Automotive Diagnostic tools $ 3,900
Advanced Quality Control Analysis Parameter $ 3,500
Turbo Machinery Maintenance and Troubleshooting $ 3,500
Mastering Advanced Management Skills for Maintenance Leadership $ 3,900
Vehicle Maintenance Management and Inspection Training $ 3,900
Metallurgy, Corrosion and Prevention of Failures: Material Selection and Properties Training $ 4,500
Best Practice Plant Reliability, Maintainability Workshop $ 4,500
Failure Mode Effect and Criticality Analysis (FMECA) Facilitator Skills Training $ 3,900
Asset integrity Management for Purpose-Built FPSO’s and Subsea System Facilities $ 3,900
Certificate in Advanced Maintenance Management $ 3,500
Maintenance Scheduling Using Big Data IoT and Agent Based Simulation $ 3,500
Asset Integrity Management System $ 3,900
Battery and DC Systems Training $ 4,500
Certified Reliability Engineering Excellence: Reliability Centered Maintenance and Total Productivity Maintenance $ 4,950
Compressor Design, Operation and Maintenance $ 3,900
Advanced Troubleshooting of Rotating Equipment Training $ 3,900
Construction and Maintenance of Asphalt and Gravel Roads $ 3,900
Pipeline inspection, Testing and integrity Assessment: Defect Assessment in Pipelines (Practical Aspects) $ 4,500
Data Analysis Techniques for Engineers and Technologiests $ 3,900
Advanced Vibration Diagnostics $ 3,900
Advanced Warehouse Management, Warehousing Performance Measures, Storage Control & Safety $ 3,900
Positive Displacement Pump Maintenance Training $ 3,500
Practical Pump and Valve Technology: Selection, Operation, Control, Maintenance and Troubleshooting Training $ 3,900
Air Compressors, Operation, Maintenance and Troubleshooting $ 4,500
Process Plant and Refinery Operational Economics, Planning and Profitability Training $ 3,500
Pump, Selection, Construction, Operation, Maintenance, Repair and Troubleshooting $ 3,900
Pumps, Compressors and Valves Maintenance $ 3,900
Gas Turbine Applications and Economics Training $ 3,900
Alignment Methods and Application of Rotating Machinery and Trouble Shooting $ 3,900
Gas Turbines Operation Troubleshooting, Maintenance and Inspection $ 4,500
Industrial Equipment: Compressors, Pumps, Motors and Variable-Speed Drive, Selection Sizing and Application $ 3,900
Inspection, Repair, Alteration and Re-rating of Piping Systems (API 570: Piping Inspection CODE) $ 3,900
Road Pavement Design, Maintenance and Rehabilitation Techniques Training $ 3,900
Integrity Assessment and Repair of Pressure Equipment and Piping $ 4,500
Rotating Equipment Fundamental and Performance Monitoring $ 3,900
Rotating Equipment Vibration and Monitoring Training $ 3,900
KILN Troubleshooting $ 4,500
Steel Aboveground Storage Tanks Inspection, Repair, Maintenance and Corrosion Control $ 3,900
Advanced Mechanical Maintenance Training $ 4,500
Surface Equipment - Maintenance and Operation $ 4,500
Advanced Pigging and Plant Engineering $ 3,500
Maintenance and Troubleshooting Of Conveyors and Chutes $ 3,500
Testing and Maintenance of Protective Devices $ 4,500
Maintenance Management Masterclass $ 4,500
Troubleshooting Plant Rotating Equipment and Effective Predictive Maintenance $ 3,900
Maintenance of Process Plant Equipment Training $ 3,900
Turnaround and Shutdown Planning skills $ 4,500
UPS and Battery Design, Operation, Maintenance and Troubleshooting $ 3,900
Managing Shutdowns, Turnarounds and Outages $ 4,950
Vibration Techniques: Practical Machinery Vibration Monitoring, Analysis and Predictive Maintenance $ 4,500
Pipelines Design inspection and Testing $ 3,500
Modern Maintenance and Reliability Management: Planning, Estimating, $ 3,900
Metallurgy, Materials Selection and Corrosion $ 4,500
Motors, Variable Speed Drives Operation, Maintenance and Troubleshooting $ 4,500
Centrifugal Compressor Design and Performance $ 4,950
Physical Asset Management: Asset Management Processes and ISO 55001 Implementation Guidance $ 4,500
Big Data Analytics for Predictive Maintenance Strategies $ 4,950
FLNG Operation and Maintenance (Floating Liquefied Natural Gas) $ 3,900
Certificate Course in Creating Maintenance Excellence $ 3,500
Asset Life Cycle and Maintenance Management $ 3,900
Risk Based Strategies for Inspection & Maintenance (RBI & RBM) $ 4,500
Achieving CMMS Data Integrity $ 4,500
Compressors and Pumps: Selection, Sizing, Applications, Operation, Diagnostic Testing and Troubleshooting $ 3,900
Operations, Control, Maintenance and Troubleshooting of Pumps and Valves Training $ 3,900
Control and Operation of Centrifugal Gas Compressor $ 3,900
Pipeline Operation and Maintenance $ 4,500
Design, Construction, Maintenance and Mechanical Integrity of ASME B31.3 Process Piping $ 3,900
Engine Condition Monitoring Systems $ 3,900
Advanced Water Distribution System Operation and Maintenance $ 4,500
Preventive and Predictive Maintenance for Overhead Lines $ 3,900
Failure Mode Effect Analysis (FMEA) $ 3,900
Pumps, Compressors, Turbines Operation Maintenance and Troubleshooting $ 3,900
Gas Turbine Condition Monitoring and Fault Diagnosis Training $ 4,500
Reliability Centered Maintenance and Total Productivity Maintenance $ 3,900
Reliability, Maintainability and Risk Management $ 3,900
Heat Exchangers and Fired Heaters Operation and Troubleshooting Training $ 4,500
Roll Pass Design and Mill Operation $ 3,900
Internal Corrosion for Pipelines Basic Training $ 4,500
Rotating Equipment Operation Theory and Maintenance $ 4,500
Selection and Maintenance of non-Metallic pipelines $ 3,900
Lean Maintenence: The Recent Trends Of Maintenance $ 4,500
Surge Relief Valve, Inspection, Maintenance and Troubleshooting $ 4,950
Maintenance And Troubleshooting Of UPS Systems And Battery Power Supplies $ 4,950
Maintenance Management Professional (Maintenance Planning, Scheduling and Work Control) $ 3,900
Maintenance Planning, Scheduling, Auditing and Benchmarking $ 4,950
Uninterruptable Power Supply (UPS) Maintenance $ 4,500
UPS Design, Operation and Troubleshooting $ 3,900
Managing Plant Maintenance $ 4,950
Voith Coupling Overhaul Training $ 3,500
Pipeline Transportation Systems for Liquids and Slurries $ 4,500
Modern Maintenance Management $ 3,900
Corrosion Inhibitors Training $ 4,500
Operation and Maintenance of Hydraulically Operated Equipment $ 3,900
Best Practices in Maintenance and Reliability (CMRP Exam) $ 3,900
Centrifugal Compressor Performance, Operation, Maintenance and Troubleshooting $ 4,950
Certified Maintenance Planner Program $ 4,500
Vehicle Fleet Development and Management $ 4,500
Basic CSI Machinery Vibration $ 3,900
API 618 Standards for Reciprocating Compressor Petrochemical $ 3,500
Maintenance Analytics Training $ 3,900
Achieving Excellence in Asset Integrity Management $ 3,500
Compressors Failure Analysis Inspection and Troubleshooting $ 3,900
Operations, Applications, Performance, Maintenance and Troubleshooting of Gas Turbines Training $ 3,900
Optimizing Asset Availability Using Reliability Engineering $ 4,500
Control Valve and Actuator: Selection, Calculations, Sizing, Applications, Operation, Diagnostic Testing, Trouble Shooting and Maintenance $ 3,900
Diagnostics, Maintenance and Operation of Rotating Machinery $ 3,900
Economic and Technical Evaluations for Engineering and Maintenance Projects $ 4,500
Pipelines Hot Tapping and Plugging Equipment $ 3,500
Planning Preventive Maintenance and Scheduling $ 4,500
Equipment Life Cyle and Reliability Management $ 4,500
Practical Pump Technology Selection, Operation and Maintenance $ 4,500
Preventive Maintenance and Troubleshooting of Pumps and Compressors $ 3,900
Failure Mode Effect and Criticality Analysis (FMECA) Facilitator Skills Training $ 4,500
Pump Technology: Selection, Operation and Maintenance $ 3,900
Fundamentals of Pump and Compressor Systems $ 4,500
Pumps, Valves, Heat Exchanger,Operation and Troubleshooting $ 4,950
Gas Turbine Design and Performance Training $ 4,500
Reliability Centered Maintenance RCM II Facilitator $ 3,900
Heavy Duty Diesel Engine (HDD) Operation and Maintenance $ 3,900
Renewable Energy, Solar Power Design, Installation and Maintenance $ 4,500
Industrial Boilers Operation, Maintenance and Troubleshooting $ 4,500
Rolling Mill Operation Level LL Training $ 4,500
Internal Corrosion for Pipelines-Advanced $ 3,900
Rotating Equipment Optimisation with Continuous Reliability Improvement (CRI) $ 4,500
Shaft Repair, Alignment and Balancing $ 4,500
Lift Gas Compressor: Centrifugal Compressors Operations & Maintenance, Installation & Mechnics $ 3,900
Steam System Assessment $ 3,900
Machinery Vibration Analysis (V.I. Specialist Level-I) $ 4,500
Systematic Preventive and Predictive Maintenance $ 3,900
Maintenance Auditing, Benchmarking & Performance Improvement towards World-Class Status $ 4,950
Turbo Compressor Performance $ 4,950
Maintenance Management Skills $ 3,900
Maintenance Strategy Development and Cost Effective Implementation $ 4,950
Maintenance Task Analysis (MTA) $ 3,500
UPS Systems and Battery Chargers: Maintenance and Troubleshooting $ 4,500
Managing Efficient Shutdowns and Turnarounds $ 4,500
API118 - API TES 2015/2016: Tank Entry Supervisor Certification Program (API Exam Preparation Training) $ 3,900
Cathodic Protection System in Oil and Gas Exploration industry Training $ 3,500
Modern Maintenance Technologies: Challenging Traditional Approaches in Maintenance Training $ 3,500
Petroleum Refining-Production Planning, Scheduling and Yield Optimisation $ 3,900
Operation and Maintenance of Lifting Equipment $ 3,900
Best Practices in Maintenance Management Strategy $ 3,900
Centrifugal and Reciprocating Pumps and Compressors $ 3,900
Certified Maintenance Planner and Asset Management $ 3,900
Centrifugal Compressor, Steam Turbine Design, Operations and Maintenance and Operation and Maintenance of Hydraulically Operated Equipment $ 3,900
Applying Reliability Engineering Principles to Process Equipment Maintenance $ 4,500
Metallurgy and Rolling Mill Operation Training $ 3,500
Maintenance Audit and Site Inspection $ 3,900
Oil Refinery Cost Management Training $ 4,500
ASME B31.3 Process Piping Design, Construction, Maintenance and Mechanical Integrity Training $ 3,900
Turbine Design, Operation, Performance, Maintenance and Trouble-Shooting $ 4,500
Achieving World Class Maintenance Performance $ 4,500
Compressors Major Inspection and Overhaul $ 3,900
Optimizing Equipment Maintenance and Replacement Decisions $ 4,500
Advanced Machinery Reliability Analysis $ 3,900
Diesel Engine and Crane Maintenance $ 4,500
Effective Contractor Management in Maintenance and Technical Projects $ 3,900
Piping and Valves: Design, Construction, Operation and integrity $ 3,900
Equipment's Reliability and Optimization $ 3,900
Practical Shutdown and Turnaround Management for Engineers and Managers $ 4,500
Preventive Maintenance Programs Doing More With Less $ 4,500
Failure Modes and Effects Analysis (FMEA) and Reliability Centered Maintenance Training $ 3,500
Gas Turbines Operations, Technology, Troubleshooting & Protection $ 4,950
Reliability Central Maintenance for Engineers $ 3,500
Heavy Duty Gas Turbines $ 4,500
Root Cause Analysis: Solving Problems by Eliminating Causes $ 4,950
Rotating Equipment: Start-up, Operation, Maintenance & Troubleshooting $ 3,900
Rotating Equipment Reliability Optimization and Continuous Improvement $ 3,900
Shutdown Management $ 3,900
Certified Lifting & Rigging Equipment: Selection, Sizing, Applications, Operation, Diagnostic Testing & Trouble $ 4,500
Systems Fundamentals and Heating, Ventilation and Air-Conditioning (HVAC) Systems $ 4,950
Maintenance Contracting and Outsourcing $ 3,900
API 653: Tank Inspection Code: Inspection, Repair, Alteration & Reconstruction of Steel Aboveground Storage Tanks Used in the Petrochemical Industry (API Exam Preparation Training) $ 3,900
Maintenance Management Skills for Maintenance Management $ 4,500
Advanced Reliability Centered Maintenance $ 4,950
Management Strategy and the Quality of Maintenance Systems $ 4,500
Water Distribution Systems and Pumping Stations Training $ 3,500
Corrosion Control by Cathodic Protection $ 3,900
Modern Valve Technology $ 3,900
API 579-1/ASME FFS-1: Fitness-for-Service (FFS) of Process Plant Equipment, Pressure Vessels, Piping and Storage Facilities Training $ 3,900
Operation Emergency Handling and Troubleshooting of HP Pump $ 4,500
Best Practices In Multishift Operations Achieving Operational Excellence In Multishift Management $ 4,500
Centrifugal Compressors and Steam Turbines $ 3,900
Understanding & Preventing Process Equipment Failures: Testing, Analysis and Inspection $ 3,900
Advance Boiler Operation, Inspection and Maintenance $ 4,500
Compressors Operation, Maintenance and Troubleshooting $ 4,500
Effective Maintenance Leadership Skills for The 21st Century $ 4,950
Piping Systems and Pipeline integrity With An Application of ASME B31 Codes $ 3,900
Predictive and Preventive Maintenance $ 3,900
Pump and Valve Operation, Control, Maintenance and Troubleshooting Training $ 3,900
Failures, Failure Prevention and Repairs to Static Process Equipment and Piping $ 3,900
Pumps: Design, Operation and Maintenance $ 3,900
HP Pump Operation, Maintenance, Overhauling and Troubleshooting $ 3,900
Analytical Prevention of Machinery Failure, PM and Troubleshooting of Plant Rotating Equipment Training $ 3,900
Advanced Maintenance Techniques $ 4,500
API 510: Pressure Vessel Inspection Code: Maintenance, Inspection, Rating, Repair, and Alteration (API Exam Preparation Training) $ 7,800
Shutdown Planning and Control $ 3,900
Machinery Failure Analysis, Prevention & Troubleshooting: Machinery Diagnostics and Root Cause Failure $ 4,500
Tank Farm and Tank Terminal Safety and Integrity Management Training $ 3,900
Modern Maintenance Technologies: Challenging Traditional Approaches in Maintenance $ 4,500
Management of Boilers, Steam Turbines and Steam Plant $ 3,900
Utilities and Energy Systems Design and Performance in Refineries and Petrochemical Plants Training $ 4,500
Water System Design and Operation of Distribution Networks $ 3,900
Fitness-for-Service (FFS) of Process Plant Equipment, Pressure Vessels, Piping and Storage Facilities (API 579-1/ASME FFS-1) $ 4,950
Operation Maintenance and Troubleshooting of Pumps Compressor and Valves $ 3,900
Boiler Operation, Maintenance and Water Treatment Technology Training $ 4,500
Pumps and Compressors: Design, Operation, Maintenance and Trouble-Shooting $ 3,900
Asset Integrity Management in Oil And Gas Industries Training $ 3,900
ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code : Section VIII, Division 1, Design and Fabrication of Pressure $ 3,900
Advanced Axial Compressor $ 4,500
Operation Troubleshooting and Corrective Maintenance $ 4,500
Advanced Generator Maintenance Training $ 3,900
Effective Maintenance Planning and Scheduling $ 3,900
Piping Vibration Analysis and Practical Engineering Solutions $ 4,500
Predictive and Preventive Maintenance for Diesel Generator $ 4,500
Pump Maintenance: Efficient Operation and Maintenance Strategies for Rotating Pumps $ 4,950
Fans and Blowers: Performance, Measurement and Maintenance $ 3,500
RBI And FFS of Pipeline, Piping, Vessels and Tanks (API 579-580-581) and Repair Practices Training $ 3,900
Hydraulic and Pneumatic Maintenance and Troubleshooting $ 4,500
Introduction to Static Equipment (Valves, Pressure Vessels, Piping & Heat Exchanger) $ 4,500
Root Cause Bearing Failure Analysis Training $ 3,500
API 576  of Pressure-Relieving Devices $ 4,500
Machinery Failure, Vibration Analysis and Predictive Maintenance Training $ 4,500
Tank Farm Operation and Performance Training $ 3,500
Technical Competence for Non-Technical Professionals $ 3,900
Maintenance, Inspection, Rating, Repair and Alteration of Pressure Vessels (API 510 Exam Preparation) $ 9,000
Wind Energy Utilization Training $ 4,950
Petroleum Project Economics and Risk Analysis $ 3,900
Boiler Operation, Maintenance and Safety Training $ 3,900
Shutdown, Turnaround and Troubleshooting of Process Plants $ 4,500
ASME B31.3 Process Piping Design Code $ 3,900
ASME VIII Pressure Vessel Design, Fabrication and Testing Training $ 3,900
Advanced Battery Management and Maintenance Services $ 3,900
Certified Maintenance Planner (CMP): Maintenance Planning, Scheduling and Work Control $ 4,500
Operation, Diagnostics and Maintenance of Equipment for Oil and Gas Production $ 4,500
Operation, Maintenance and Troubleshooting of Pumps, Compressors and Valves $ 4,500
Computerized Maintenance and Materials Management System $ 4,500
Effective Reliability and Maintenance Best Practices $ 4,500
Piping  Design and Maintenance $ 4,500
Planning and Managing Shutdowns, Turnarounds $ 4,500
Predictive Maintenance Data Analysis and interpretation $ 3,900
Alignment and Troubleshooting of Rotating Machinery Training $ 4,500
Pump Selection, Installation, Performance and Control Training $ 3,900
API-579/ASME FFS-1 and PCC-2 Standards: Fitness-for-Service, Remaining Life Assessment and Repair of Pressure Equipment and Piping $ 3,900
Fundamentals of Machinery Lubrication $ 3,900
Reciprocating Air Compressors Maintenance $ 3,900
Implementation, Integration and Management of Predictive Maintenance $ 3,900
Implementation, Integration and Management of Risk Based Inspection(RBI) $ 3,900
Root Cause Failure Analysis and Reliability $ 3,900
Solar Power Systems $ 3,500
Steam Boilers : Operation, Maintenance and Control System Training $ 3,900
Machinery Problem-Solving Sequence $ 3,900
Machinery Vibration Analysis and Predictive Maintenance $ 4,500
Technical and Operational Aspects of Pipeline Pigging $ 3,900
Maintenance Leadership and Technology Best Practices $ 4,500
Maintenance Technology Best Practices: Inspection, Analysis and Monitoring $ 4,500
World-Class Preventive and Predictive Maintenance $ 3,900
Mechanical and Rotating Equipment Troubleshooting and Maintenance Training $ 3,900
API-580/581: Introduction to Risk Based Inspection (RBI) Methodologies and Practices in Refineries, Gas, Oil and Petrochemical Facilities (API Exam Preparation) $ 3,900
Boilers, Boiler Controls and Combustion Efficiency Training $ 4,500
Building Operational Excellence in The Process Industry $ 3,900
Reverse Osmosis Technology ( RO ), Operation and Maintenance Training $ 4,500
UPS, Chargers and Batteries $ 4,500
A to Z of Maintenance Best Practice $ 3,900
Planned Shutdown, Critical Activities, Isolation, Start-up and Commissioning $ 4,500
AC Dehumidifier Trouble Shooting Training $ 3,900
ASME B31 Piping and Pipeline Design, Construction, Inspection, Pigging, Maintenance, Repair and Integrity Assessment ( ASME B31, API 570 and API 579 Standards) $ 3,900
Bearing Installation Maintenance, Troubleshooting and Failure Analysis $ 3,900
Best Maintenance Practices for Profit Optimization Systems, Tools and Techniques $ 4,500
Operation and Maintenance for Instrument and Rotating Equipment $ 4,500
Checking The Maintenance Performance Networks Processing Water Sanitation $ 4,950
Pipeline Integrity Management $ 3,900
Pipeline Maintenance and Operations and Troubleshooting $ 3,900
Decision Analysis for Operation and Maintenance Professionals $ 3,900
Design and Operating Conditions of Centrifugal Pumps and Prime Movers (VSD and FSM) $ 4,500
Plant Annual Shutdowns and Turnarounds $ 3,900
Excellence in Maintenance and Reliability Management: Rotating Equipment Reliability Optimization and Continuous Improvement Training $ 3,900
Excellence in Reliability, Availability and Maintainability (RAM) $ 4,500
Process Plant Shutdown, Turnaround and Troubleshooting $ 3,900
Production Planning, Scheduling and Activity Control $ 3,900
Pumps and Compressors in Oil and Gas Facilities $ 4,500
Advanced Maintenance Planning and Management Techniques $ 3,500
Heat Exchanger Inspection, Maintenance and Operation $ 3,900
Certified Risk Based Inspection Implementation Integration and Management $ 3,900
Industrial Projects and Process Facilities: Concrete Structural Design, Maintenance and Reliability Analysis $ 4,500
Safety Relief Valve Inspection, Maintenance, Operation, Troubleshooting and Repair $ 3,900
Screw Gas Compressors and Dry Gas Seals Applications $ 4,500
Machinery Bearings, Lubrication & Reliability (Engineering Tribology) $ 3,900
Successful Maintenance Management $ 3,900
Case Studies Involving RCFA (With a View to Maintenance Cost Reduction) $ 4,500
Maintenance A to Z of Best Practices: Optimizing Maintenance Activities $ 3,900
API 580 Risk-Based Inspection (RBI) $ 3,900
The Advanced Rotating Equipment: Troubleshooting of Pumps, Compressors, Gearboxes and Dynamic Balance $ 3,900
Maintenance Optimization and Best Practices $ 3,900
Maintenance Planning Scheduling and Work Control $ 4,500
Turnaround Works for Onshore and Offshore Facilities $ 3,900
Types of Circuit Breakers and Methods of Preventive Maintenance $ 4,500
Value Maintenance With Field VUE Digital Controller $ 3,900
Material Cataloguing in Maintenance Department $ 4,500
Corrosion Prevention and Control Training $ 3,500
Materials Selection for Process Plants and Facilities Training $ 3,900
Multistage Pump Overhauling $ 3,900
Advanced Techniques in Maintenance Management $ 4,500
Sustainable Maintenance: Strategies for Long-Term Asset Performance $ 3,900
Rotating Equipment Alignment and Balancing $ 3,900
Maintenance and Reliability Best Practices $ 4,500
Maintenance Errors: Understanding, Identifying and Managing the Human Factor $ 4,500
AS 9110 Quality Maintenance System $ 4,500
Asset Integrity Management for The Petroleum Industry Training $ 3,900
Basics and Applications of Renewable Energy Systems $ 4,500
Circuit Breakers Switchgears Inspection Maintenance Design Repair Troubleshooting $ 3,900
Condition Monitoring and Vibration Control of Machines/Plants $ 4,500
Pipeline and Piping Design, installation, Operation, inspection, Testing, Maintenance, Repair, FFS, Pigging, integrity and Rehabilitation (ASME B31 and API 579 Standards) $ 3,900
Corrective and Preventive Maintenance Program $ 3,900
Advanced Maintenance in Offshore Industries $ 3,900
Plant Commissioning and Start Up Strategies $ 3,900
Essential Methodologies for Maintenance $ 4,500
Power Plant Troubleshooting and Engineering Problem Solving Certificate $ 4,500
Preventive and Corrective Maintenance Scheduling $ 3,900
Principles and Operation of Centrifugal Pumps $ 3,900
Pumps and Compressors Predictive Maintenance and Diagnostics $ 3,900
Refractory (Properties and Application ) $ 4,500
Gas Turbine Operations with MK VI Speedtronic Control System $ 3,900
Reliability Modelling Engineering $ 4,500
Industrial Pumps - Reliability and Maintenance $ 4,500
Risk Based Inspection of Stationary Equipment $ 4,500
Instrument Air Compressor for Operations and Maintenance $ 4,500
Rotating Equipment Failure Analysis and Reliability Optimization $ 3,900
API 570 Piping Inspection Code: Inspection, Repair, Alteration and Re-rating of in-Service Piping Systems API Exam Preparation Training) $ 4,500
ISO 55000 and Risk-Based Asset Management $ 3,500
LNG and LPG Fire $ 4,500
Sulzer Pump, Hydrodynamic Couplings and Bergmann Mechanical Seals Training $ 3,500
Maintenance and Operation of Rotating Equipment $ 3,900
Technical Integrity and Engineered Safety in Petrochemical Plants $ 3,900
Total Plant Reliability Centered Maintenance (RCM) $ 4,500
Maintenance Management Best Practices: Systems, tools and Techniques $ 4,500
Maintenance of MSF Training $ 3,900
Turbo Expander Operation, Performance, Maintenance and Troubleshooting $ 3,900
Valve and Actuator Technologies $ 4,500
Materials for Operation and Maintenance of Stationary and Mobile Equipment $ 4,500
Vibration Analysis and Practical Solutions $ 3,500
Modern Maintenance and Operation of Rotating Equipment Technologies $ 3,900
API-579/580/581: Risk-Based-Inspection (RBI), Fitness-for-Service (FFS) and Repair Practices of Pipelines, Piping, Vessels and Tanks in Refineries, Gas, Oil and Petrochemical Facilities Training $ 3,900
Modicon Quantum PLC Maintenance and Troubleshooting $ 4,500
Centrifugal Gas Compressor (Operation, Control, Start Up, Shutdown, Maintenance and Troubleshooting) $ 3,900
OFM Waterflood Monitoring and Surveillance $ 4,500
Condition Based Maintenance and Condition Monitoring $ 4,500
Turnaround Works for Onshore and Offshore Facilities $ 3,900
Optimising Equipment Maintenance and Replacement Decisions $ 3,500
Asset Integrity Management for Purpose-Built FPSO’s and Subsea System Facilities Training $ 3,900
API 6A: X-mas Tree & Wellhead Operations, Maintenance & Testing $ 4,500
Above Ground Storage Tanks : Design, Operation and Maintenance $ 3,900
CO2 Compressor Operation Equipment Function and Layout $ 4,500
Advanced Valve Technology: Design, Selection, Installation, Applications and Pumps: Design, Operation And Maintenance $ 3,900
Design, Analysis and Fabrication of Pressure Vessels $ 3,900
Effective Reliability Maintenance and Superior Maintenance Strategies $ 3,500
Plant Maintenance and Trouble Shooting Techniques $ 3,500
Practical Hydraulic Systems: Operation and Troubleshooting $ 3,900
Facility integrity and Technical Audit Training $ 4,500
Pressure Vessels Inspector or International Welding Inspectors Training $ 3,900
Pumps and Compressors: Operation, Maintenance and Troubleshooting Training $ 3,900
Reciprocating Compressors Operation and Maintenance $ 4,500
Heat Exchanger Operation and Troubleshooting $ 4,950
Inspection and Maintenance of Above Ground Storage Tanks $ 4,500
Risk-Based-Inspection and Fitness-for-Service of Pipelines, Piping, Vessels and Tanks (API 579-580-581 St and ARDS) and Repair Practices $ 3,900
Integrated Maintenance Cost and Budget Management $ 4,950
Rotating Equipment and Performance Monitoring $ 3,900
Screw Instrument Air Compressor Operation and Maintenance (Kaeser) $ 4,500
Investing in Effective Maintenance: Improving System Operational Success to Achieve Safe and Profita $ 3,900
API 579 Fitness for Service Evaluation $ 3,900
Maintenance and Reliability Best Practices: Lowering Life Cycle Cost Equipment $ 4,500
Technical Troubleshooting Technique $ 3,900
Maintenance Management and Technology Best Practices $ 4,500
Total Productive Maintenance (TPM) Implementation Steps and Process Improvement Tools $ 3,900
Maintenance Planning, Scheduling and Work Control (Maintenance Management Professional) $ 3,900
Underwater Welding Techniques $ 3,900
Valve Selection and Maintenance Training $ 4,500
Advanced Shutdown and Turnaround Management Training $ 4,500
Acoustic and Flow induced Vibration Training $ 3,900
Mechanical Integrity and Reliability in Refineries Petrochemical and Process Plants $ 3,900
Modern Cathodic Protection Systems: Design, Fabrication, installation, Testing and Repair $ 3,900
ASME Sec IX, Welding and Brazing Training $ 4,500
Offshore Structures Design, Construction, Inspection, Maintenance and Repair $ 3,900
Best Practices for Cost Effective Maintenance $ 3,900
Mini MBA: Decision Analysis for Operation and Maintenance Professionals $ 4,500
Nanotechnology and Solar Training $ 4,500
Asset integrity Management for Purpose-Built FPSO’s and Subsea System Facilities $ 4,950
Certificate in Advanced Maintenance Management $ 3,900
Maintenance Scheduling Using Big Data IoT and Agent Based Simulation $ 4,500
Asset Integrity Management System $ 4,500
Battery and DC Systems Training $ 3,900
Certificate in Preventive and Predictive Maintenance $ 3,900
Compressor Design, Operation and Maintenance $ 4,500
Operation, Inspection, Maintenance, Safety and Water Treatment Technology of Boilers Training $ 3,900
Construction and Maintenance of Asphalt and Gravel Roads $ 4,500
Pipeline inspection, Testing and integrity Assessment: Defect Assessment in Pipelines (Practical Aspects) $ 4,500
Data Analysis Techniques for Engineers and Technologiests $ 3,900
Planning and Scheduling Shutdowns and Turnarounds $ 3,900
Advanced Warehouse Management, Warehousing Performance Measures, Storage Control & Safety $ 4,500
Positive Displacement Pump Maintenance Training $ 3,900
Practical Pump and Valve Technology: Selection, Operation, Control, Maintenance and Troubleshooting Training $ 4,500
Air Compressors, Operation, Maintenance and Troubleshooting $ 3,900
Process Plant and Refinery Operational Economics, Planning and Profitability Training $ 3,900
Pump Selection, installation, Operation, Maintenance and Troubleshooting $ 3,900
Flow Assurance for Oil and Gas Production Systems training $ 4,500
Pumps, Compressors and Valves Maintenance $ 4,500
Alignment Methods and Application of Rotating Machinery and Trouble Shooting $ 4,500
Gas Turbines Operation Troubleshooting, Maintenance and Inspection $ 3,900
Advanced Maintenance Planning and Scheduling (AMPS) $ 3,900
Inspection, Repair, Alteration and Re-rating of Piping Systems (API 570: Piping Inspection CODE) $ 3,900
Integrity Assessment and Repair of Pressure Equipment and Piping $ 3,900
Road Pavement Design, Maintenance and Rehabilitation Techniques Training $ 3,900
Rotating Equipment Fundamental and Performance Monitoring $ 4,500
Rotating Equipment Vibration and Monitoring Training $ 3,900
KILN Troubleshooting $ 3,900
Statutory Inspection of Pressure Vessels Implementation Integration and Management $ 4,500
Advanced Mechanical Maintenance Training $ 3,500
Machinery Root Cause Failure Analysis (RFCA) $ 3,500
Surface Equipment - Maintenance and Operation $ 4,500
Maintenance and Troubleshooting Of Conveyors and Chutes $ 4,500
Maintenance Management Masterclass $ 3,900
Troubleshooting Plant Rotating Equipment and Effective Predictive Maintenance $ 3,900
Maintenance of Process Plant Equipment Training $ 4,500
Turnaround and Shutdown Planning skills $ 3,900
Vibration Techniques: Practical Machinery Vibration Monitoring, Analysis and Predictive Maintenance $ 3,900
Pipelines Design inspection and Testing $ 3,900
Modern Maintenance and Reliability Management: Planning, Estimating, $ 3,900
Metallurgy, Materials Selection and Corrosion $ 3,900
Motors, Variable Speed Drives Operation, Maintenance and Troubleshooting $ 3,900
Building and Facilities Maintenance Management Training $ 4,500
Physical Asset Management: Asset Management Processes and ISO 55001 Implementation Guidance $ 3,900
FLNG Operation and Maintenance (Floating Liquefied Natural Gas) $ 4,500
Certificate Course in Creating Maintenance Excellence $ 4,500
Innovative Root Cause Analysis $ 3,900
Asset Life Cycle and Maintenance Management $ 4,500
Batteries and UPS: Design, Operations and Troubleshooting $ 4,500
Compressors and Pumps: Selection, Sizing, Applications, Operation, Diagnostic Testing and Troubleshooting $ 4,500
Operations, Control, Maintenance and Troubleshooting of Pumps and Valves Training $ 3,900
Pipeline and Piping Inspection, Maintenence and Integrity Assessement (ASME B31 and API 579 Standards) $ 3,900
Control and Operation of Centrifugal Gas Compressor $ 3,900
Cost Effective Maintenance Management $ 3,500
Engine Condition Monitoring Systems $ 4,500
Advanced Water Distribution System Operation and Maintenance $ 3,900
Preventive and Predictive Maintenance for Overhead Lines $ 3,900
Principles of Rotating Equipment $ 3,900
Pumps, Compressors, Turbines Operation Maintenance and Troubleshooting $ 4,500
Gas Turbine Condition Monitoring and Fault Diagnosis Training $ 3,900
Gas Turbine Performance Characteristics $ 3,900
Reliability Centered Maintenance and Total Productivity Maintenance $ 4,500
Reliability, Availability and Maintainability (RAM) $ 4,500
Roll Pass Design and Mill Operation $ 3,900
Internal Corrosion for Pipelines Basic Training $ 4,500
Rotating Equipment Operation Theory and Maintenance $ 3,900
Rotating Equipment Selection, Operation, Maintenance, Inspection & Troubleshooting $ 4,500
Lean Maintenence: The Recent Trends Of Maintenance $ 3,900
Machine Failure, PdM And Vibration Analysis $ 3,900
Surge Relief Valve, Inspection, Maintenance and Troubleshooting $ 3,900
Maintenance And Troubleshooting Of UPS Systems And Battery Power Supplies $ 3,900
Maintenance Management Professional (Maintenance Planning, Scheduling and Work Control) $ 4,500
Advanced Quality Control Analysis Parameter $ 4,500
Turbo Machinery Maintenance and Troubleshooting $ 4,500
Voith Coupling Overhaul Training $ 4,500
Pipeline Transportation Systems for Liquids and Slurries $ 3,900
Mechanical Maintenance Planning and SchedulingTraining $ 4,500
Modern Maintenance Management $ 3,900
Metallurgy, Corrosion and Prevention of Failures: Material Selection and Properties Training $ 4,500
Centrifugal Compressor Performance, Operation, Maintenance and Troubleshooting $ 3,900
Best Practice Plant Reliability, Maintainability Workshop $ 3,900
Certified Maintenance Planner Program $ 3,900
Implementing Effective Preventive and Predictive Maintenance Programmes $ 3,900
Applying Reliability Engineering Principles to Process Equipment Maintenance $ 3,900
Vehicle Fleet Development and Management $ 3,900
Basic CSI Machinery Vibration $ 3,900
Maintenance Analytics Training $ 4,500
Certified Maintenance Planner and Asset Management $ 3,900
Advanced Corrosion, Monitoring, Prevention and Control $ 3,900
Compressors Failure Analysis Inspection and Troubleshooting $ 4,500
Operations, Applications, Performance, Maintenance and Troubleshooting of Gas Turbines Training $ 3,900
Optimizing Asset Availability Using Reliability Engineering $ 3,900
Control Valve and Actuator: Selection, Calculations, Sizing, Applications, Operation, Diagnostic Testing, Trouble Shooting and Maintenance $ 4,500
Economic and Technical Evaluations for Engineering and Maintenance Projects $ 3,900
Planning Preventive Maintenance and Scheduling $ 3,900
Equipment Life Cyle and Reliability Management $ 3,900
Plant Reliability: Prediction, Analysis and Modeling $ 3,900
Practical Machinery Vibration Monitoring, Analysis and Predictive Maintenance: Vibration Techniques $ 3,900
Practical Pump Technology Selection, Operation and Maintenance $ 3,900
Preventive Maintenance and Troubleshooting of Pumps and Compressors $ 3,900
Pump Technology: Selection, Operation and Maintenance $ 4,500
Pumps and Valves Technology: Design, Operation, Control, Troubleshooting and Maintenance $ 4,500
Pumps, Valves, Heat Exchanger,Operation and Troubleshooting $ 3,900
Fundamentals of Pump and Compressor Systems $ 3,500
Gas Turbine Design and Performance Training $ 4,500
Reliability Centered Maintenance RCM II Facilitator $ 3,900
Industrial Boilers Operation, Maintenance and Troubleshooting $ 4,500
Inspection FFS Flaw Evaluation, and Repair/Alterations of Pressure Vessels $ 3,900
Road Maintenance Training $ 3,500
Integrated Program in Operation and TPM Training $ 3,900
Rolling Mill Operation Level LL Training $ 4,500
Internal Corrosion for Pipelines-Advanced $ 4,500
Rotating Equipment Optimisation with Continuous Reliability Improvement (CRI) $ 3,500
Lift Gas Compressor: Centrifugal Compressors Operations & Maintenance, Installation & Mechnics $ 4,500
Steam System Assessment $ 4,500
Supervising Maintenance Planning, Scheduling and Work Control $ 3,900
Machinery Vibration Analysis (V.I. Specialist Level-I) $ 3,900
Systematic Preventive and Predictive Maintenance $ 3,900
Maintenance and Asset Management – Railways $ 4,500
Maintenance Auditing, Benchmarking & Performance Improvement towards World-Class Status $ 3,900
Troubleshooting Diagnostic and Maintenance of Vehicle Using Automotive Diagnostic tools $ 4,500
Turbo Compressor Performance $ 3,500
Maintenance Management Skills $ 4,500
Maintenance Task Analysis (MTA) $ 4,500
Vehicle Maintenance Management and Inspection Training $ 4,500
API118 - API TES 2015/2016: Tank Entry Supervisor Certification Program (API Exam Preparation Training) $ 4,500
Cathodic Protection System in Oil and Gas Exploration industry Training $ 3,900
Modern Maintenance Technologies: Challenging Traditional Approaches in Maintenance Training $ 4,500
Centrifugal and Reciprocating Pumps and Compressors $ 3,500
Centrifugal Compressor, Steam Turbine Design, Operations and Maintenance and Operation and Maintenance of Hydraulically Operated Equipment $ 3,900
Failure Mode Effect and Criticality Analysis (FMECA) Facilitator Skills Training $ 4,500
Maintenance Audit and Site Inspection $ 4,500
Oil Refinery Cost Management Training $ 3,900
Metallurgy and Rolling Mill Operation Training $ 4,500
Turbine Design, Operation, Performance, Maintenance and Trouble-Shooting $ 3,900
Certified Reliability Engineering Excellence: Reliability Centered Maintenance and Total Productivity Maintenance $ 3,900
Compressors Major Inspection and Overhaul $ 3,900
Advanced Troubleshooting of Rotating Equipment Training $ 4,500
Optimizing Equipment Maintenance and Replacement Decisions $ 3,900
Advanced Machinery Reliability Analysis $ 3,500
Effective Contractor Management in Maintenance and Technical Projects $ 4,500
Advanced Vibration Diagnostics $ 3,900
Equipment's Reliability and Optimization $ 4,500
Practical Shutdown and Turnaround Management for Engineers and Managers $ 3,900
Preventive Maintenance Programs Doing More With Less $ 4,500
Pump, Selection, Construction, Operation, Maintenance, Repair and Troubleshooting $ 3,900
Gas Turbine Applications and Economics Training $ 3,900
Gas Turbines Operations, Technology, Troubleshooting & Protection $ 3,900
Reliability Central Maintenance for Engineers $ 4,500
Industrial Equipment: Compressors, Pumps, Motors and Variable-Speed Drive, Selection Sizing and Application $ 3,900
Root Cause Analysis: Solving Problems by Eliminating Causes $ 3,900
Rotating Equipment: Start-up, Operation, Maintenance & Troubleshooting $ 3,900
Rotating Equipment Reliability Optimization and Continuous Improvement $ 4,950
Certified Lifting & Rigging Equipment: Selection, Sizing, Applications, Operation, Diagnostic Testing & Trouble $ 3,900
Steel Aboveground Storage Tanks Inspection, Repair, Maintenance and Corrosion Control $ 3,500
Advanced Pigging and Plant Engineering $ 4,500
Systems Fundamentals and Heating, Ventilation and Air-Conditioning (HVAC) Systems $ 3,900
Maintenance Contracting and Outsourcing $ 4,950
Testing and Maintenance of Protective Devices $ 3,500
API 653: Tank Inspection Code: Inspection, Repair, Alteration & Reconstruction of Steel Aboveground Storage Tanks Used in the Petrochemical Industry (API Exam Preparation Training) $ 4,500
Maintenance Management Skills for Maintenance Management $ 3,900
Managing Plant Maintenance $ 3,900
Water Distribution Systems and Pumping Stations Training $ 3,900
Corrosion Control by Cathodic Protection $ 4,500
Modern Valve Technology $ 4,950
Centrifugal Compressor Design and Performance $ 3,900
Centrifugal Compressors and Steam Turbines $ 4,500
Big Data Analytics for Predictive Maintenance Strategies $ 3,900
ASME B31.3 Process Piping Design, Construction, Maintenance and Mechanical Integrity Training $ 4,950
Understanding & Preventing Process Equipment Failures: Testing, Analysis and Inspection $ 3,900
Achieving World Class Maintenance Performance $ 3,900
Compressors Operation, Maintenance and Troubleshooting $ 3,900
Diesel Engine and Crane Maintenance $ 3,900
Effective Maintenance Leadership Skills for The 21st Century $ 3,900
Piping and Valves: Design, Construction, Operation and integrity $ 4,500
Predictive and Preventive Maintenance $ 4,500
Failure Modes and Effects Analysis (FMEA) and Reliability Centered Maintenance Training $ 4,500
Pumps: Design, Operation and Maintenance $ 4,950
Heavy Duty Gas Turbines $ 4,500
Advanced Maintenance Techniques $ 3,900
API 510: Pressure Vessel Inspection Code: Maintenance, Inspection, Rating, Repair, and Alteration (API Exam Preparation Training) $ 9,000
Shutdown Management $ 4,500
Tank Farm and Tank Terminal Safety and Integrity Management Training $ 4,500
Modern Maintenance Technologies: Challenging Traditional Approaches in Maintenance $ 4,500
Advanced Reliability Centered Maintenance $ 4,500
Maintenance Technology Best Practices: Inspection, Analysis and Monitoring $ 3,900
Managing Efficient Shutdowns and Turnarounds $ 3,900
Water System Design and Operation of Distribution Networks $ 4,500
API 579-1/ASME FFS-1: Fitness-for-Service (FFS) of Process Plant Equipment, Pressure Vessels, Piping and Storage Facilities Training $ 4,500
Operation Emergency Handling and Troubleshooting of HP Pump $ 3,900
Best Practices In Multishift Operations Achieving Operational Excellence In Multishift Management $ 4,500
Pumps and Compressors: Design, Operation, Maintenance and Trouble-Shooting $ 4,500
ASME B31.3 Process Piping Design Code $ 3,900
ASME VIII Pressure Vessel Design, Fabrication and Testing Training $ 4,500
API 618 Standards for Reciprocating Compressor Petrochemical $ 4,500
Achieving Excellence in Asset Integrity Management $ 3,900
Computerized Maintenance and Materials Management System $ 3,900
Diagnostics, Maintenance and Operation of Rotating Machinery $ 3,900
Effective Reliability and Maintenance Best Practices $ 3,900
Pipelines Hot Tapping and Plugging Equipment $ 3,900
Predictive Maintenance Data Analysis and interpretation $ 4,500
Failure Mode Effect and Criticality Analysis (FMECA) Facilitator Skills Training $ 3,900
Reciprocating Air Compressors Maintenance $ 4,500
Heavy Duty Diesel Engine (HDD) Operation and Maintenance $ 4,500
Root Cause Failure Analysis and Reliability $ 3,900
Inverter & UPS System Operation, Maintenance & Troubleshooting $ 4,950
Shaft Repair, Alignment and Balancing $ 3,900
Technical and Operational Aspects of Pipeline Pigging $ 4,500
Maintenance Leadership and Technology Best Practices $ 4,500
Maintenance Strategy Development and Cost Effective Implementation $ 4,500
Maintenance, Inspection, Rating, Repair and Alteration of Pressure Vessels (API 510 Exam Preparation) $ 7,800
Managing Shutdowns, Turnarounds and Outages $ 3,900
World-Class Preventive and Predictive Maintenance $ 4,500
Petroleum Refining-Production Planning, Scheduling and Yield Optimisation $ 4,500
Operation and Maintenance of Lifting Equipment $ 3,900
Best Practices in Maintenance Management Strategy $ 3,500
Asset Integrity Management in Oil And Gas Industries Training $ 4,500
ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code : Section VIII, Division 1, Design and Fabrication of Pressure $ 4,500
Advanced Generator Maintenance Training $ 4,500
Effective Maintenance Planning and Scheduling $ 4,500
Predictive and Preventive Maintenance for Diesel Generator $ 3,900
RBI And FFS of Pipeline, Piping, Vessels and Tanks (API 579-580-581) and Repair Practices Training $ 4,500
Root Cause Bearing Failure Analysis Training $ 3,900
Introduction to Static Equipment (Valves, Pressure Vessels, Piping & Heat Exchanger) $ 4,500
Tank Farm Operation and Performance Training $ 3,900
Technical Competence for Non-Technical Professionals $ 3,900
Mastering Advanced Management Skills for Maintenance Leadership $ 4,950
Wind Energy Utilization Training $ 3,900
Vibration Analysis and Practical Solutions $ 3,900
API 6A: X-mas Tree & Wellhead Operations, Maintenance & Testing $ 3,900
Risk Based Strategies for Inspection & Maintenance (RBI & RBM) $ 3,900
Achieving CMMS Data Integrity $ 4,500
Design, Construction, Maintenance and Mechanical Integrity of ASME B31.3 Process Piping $ 3,900
Pipeline Operation and Maintenance $ 3,900
Failure Mode Effect Analysis (FMEA) $ 4,500
Heat Exchangers and Fired Heaters Operation and Troubleshooting Training $ 4,500
Selection and Maintenance of non-Metallic pipelines $ 3,900
Maintenance Planning, Scheduling, Auditing and Benchmarking $ 3,900
Uninterruptable Power Supply (UPS) Maintenance $ 3,500
Corrosion Inhibitors Training $ 3,900
Operation and Maintenance of Hydraulically Operated Equipment $ 3,900
Best Practices in Maintenance and Reliability (CMRP Exam) $ 4,500
Material Cataloguing, Specifications, Handling and Storage $ 4,500
ASME B31 Piping and Pipeline Design, Construction, Inspection, Pigging, Maintenance, Repair and Integrity Assessment ( ASME B31, API 570 and API 579 Standards) $ 4,500
Best Maintenance Practices for Profit Optimization Systems, Tools and Techniques $ 3,900
A to Z of Maintenance Best Practice $ 4,500
Advance Boiler Operation, Inspection and Maintenance $ 3,900
Pipeline Maintenance and Operations and Troubleshooting $ 3,500
Design and Operating Conditions of Centrifugal Pumps and Prime Movers (VSD and FSM) $ 3,900
Piping Systems and Pipeline integrity With An Application of ASME B31 Codes $ 3,900
Excellence in Reliability, Availability and Maintainability (RAM) $ 3,900
Production Planning, Scheduling and Activity Control $ 3,900
Pump and Valve Operation, Control, Maintenance and Troubleshooting Training $ 4,500
Failures, Failure Prevention and Repairs to Static Process Equipment and Piping $ 4,500
Heat Exchanger Inspection, Maintenance and Operation $ 4,500
HP Pump Operation, Maintenance, Overhauling and Troubleshooting $ 3,900
Screw Gas Compressors and Dry Gas Seals Applications $ 3,500
Shutdown Planning and Control $ 4,500
Case Studies Involving RCFA (With a View to Maintenance Cost Reduction) $ 3,900
Machinery Failure Analysis, Prevention & Troubleshooting: Machinery Diagnostics and Root Cause Failure $ 3,900
Maintenance Planning Scheduling and Work Control $ 3,900
Types of Circuit Breakers and Methods of Preventive Maintenance $ 3,900
UPS and Battery Design, Operation, Maintenance and Troubleshooting $ 4,500
Materials Selection for Process Plants and Facilities Training $ 4,500
Fitness-for-Service (FFS) of Process Plant Equipment, Pressure Vessels, Piping and Storage Facilities (API 579-1/ASME FFS-1) $ 4,500
Advanced Techniques in Maintenance Management $ 3,900
Operation Maintenance and Troubleshooting of Pumps Compressor and Valves $ 4,500
Boiler Operation, Maintenance and Water Treatment Technology Training $ 3,500
Petroleum Project Economics and Risk Analysis $ 4,500
Advanced Axial Compressor $ 3,900
Operation Troubleshooting and Corrective Maintenance $ 3,900
Piping Vibration Analysis and Practical Engineering Solutions $ 3,900
Pump Maintenance: Efficient Operation and Maintenance Strategies for Rotating Pumps $ 3,900
Fans and Blowers: Performance, Measurement and Maintenance $ 3,900
Hydraulic and Pneumatic Maintenance and Troubleshooting $ 4,500
API 576  of Pressure-Relieving Devices $ 3,900
Machinery Failure, Vibration Analysis and Predictive Maintenance Training $ 4,500
Boiler Operation, Maintenance and Safety Training $ 3,900
Advanced Battery Management and Maintenance Services $ 4,500
Operation, Diagnostics and Maintenance of Equipment for Oil and Gas Production $ 3,900
Piping  Design and Maintenance $ 3,900
Alignment and Troubleshooting of Rotating Machinery Training $ 3,900
API-579/ASME FFS-1 and PCC-2 Standards: Fitness-for-Service, Remaining Life Assessment and Repair of Pressure Equipment and Piping $ 4,500
Reliability, Maintainability and Risk Management $ 3,900
Renewable Energy, Solar Power Design, Installation and Maintenance $ 3,900
Implementation, Integration and Management of Predictive Maintenance $ 3,900
Solar Power Systems $ 4,500
Machinery Problem-Solving Sequence $ 3,900
Management of Boilers, Steam Turbines and Steam Plant $ 4,500
UPS Design, Operation and Troubleshooting $ 4,500
UPS Systems and Battery Chargers: Maintenance and Troubleshooting $ 3,900
API-580/581: Introduction to Risk Based Inspection (RBI) Methodologies and Practices in Refineries, Gas, Oil and Petrochemical Facilities (API Exam Preparation) $ 4,500
Boilers, Boiler Controls and Combustion Efficiency Training $ 3,900
Certificate Course in Creating Maintenance Excellence $ 3,900
Asset Life Cycle and Maintenance Management $ 4,500
Operations, Control, Maintenance and Troubleshooting of Pumps and Valves Training $ 3,900
Control and Operation of Centrifugal Gas Compressor $ 4,500
Engine Condition Monitoring Systems $ 3,900
Preventive and Predictive Maintenance for Overhead Lines $ 4,500
Gas Turbine Condition Monitoring and Fault Diagnosis Training $ 4,500
Reverse Osmosis Technology ( RO ), Operation and Maintenance Training $ 3,900
Analytical Prevention of Machinery Failure, PM and Troubleshooting of Plant Rotating Equipment Training $ 4,500
Rotating Equipment Operation Theory and Maintenance $ 4,500
Lean Maintenence: The Recent Trends Of Maintenance $ 3,900
Maintenance Management Professional (Maintenance Planning, Scheduling and Work Control) $ 3,900
Management Strategy and the Quality of Maintenance Systems $ 4,500
UPS, Chargers and Batteries $ 4,500
Utilities and Energy Systems Design and Performance in Refineries and Petrochemical Plants Training $ 4,500
Pipeline Transportation Systems for Liquids and Slurries $ 4,500
Modern Maintenance Management $ 4,500
Centrifugal Compressor Performance, Operation, Maintenance and Troubleshooting $ 4,500
Nanotechnology and Solar Training $ 3,900
Planned Shutdown, Critical Activities, Isolation, Start-up and Commissioning $ 3,900
Certificate in Preventive and Predictive Maintenance $ 3,900
Checking The Maintenance Performance Networks Processing Water Sanitation $ 4,500
Operation, Inspection, Maintenance, Safety and Water Treatment Technology of Boilers Training $ 3,900
Condition Monitoring and Vibration Control of Machines/Plants $ 3,900
Planning and Scheduling Shutdowns and Turnarounds $ 3,900
Plant Annual Shutdowns and Turnarounds $ 3,900
Pump Selection, installation, Operation, Maintenance and Troubleshooting $ 4,500
Pumps and Compressors in Oil and Gas Facilities $ 3,900
Flow Assurance for Oil and Gas Production Systems training $ 3,900
Certified Risk Based Inspection Implementation Integration and Management $ 4,500
Advanced Maintenance Planning and Scheduling (AMPS) $ 4,500
Industrial Projects and Process Facilities: Concrete Structural Design, Maintenance and Reliability Analysis $ 3,900
Statutory Inspection of Pressure Vessels Implementation Integration and Management $ 3,900
Successful Maintenance Management $ 3,900
Machinery Root Cause Failure Analysis (RFCA) $ 3,900
Maintenance A to Z of Best Practices: Optimizing Maintenance Activities $ 3,900
API 580 Risk-Based Inspection (RBI) $ 4,500
The Advanced Rotating Equipment: Troubleshooting of Pumps, Compressors, Gearboxes and Dynamic Balance $ 4,500
Value Maintenance With Field VUE Digital Controller $ 4,500
Mini MBA: Decision Analysis for Operation and Maintenance Professionals $ 4,500
Building and Facilities Maintenance Management Training $ 3,900
Sustainable Maintenance: Strategies for Long-Term Asset Performance $ 3,900
Maintenance and Reliability Best Practices $ 3,900
Maintenance Scheduling Using Big Data IoT and Agent Based Simulation $ 3,900
Battery and DC Systems Training $ 3,900
Circuit Breakers Switchgears Inspection Maintenance Design Repair Troubleshooting $ 3,900
Pipeline inspection, Testing and integrity Assessment: Defect Assessment in Pipelines (Practical Aspects) $ 3,900
Data Analysis Techniques for Engineers and Technologiests $ 4,500
Plant Commissioning and Start Up Strategies $ 4,500
Power Plant Troubleshooting and Engineering Problem Solving Certificate $ 4,500
Process Plant and Refinery Operational Economics, Planning and Profitability Training $ 4,500
Pumps and Compressors Predictive Maintenance and Diagnostics $ 3,900
Gas Turbines Operation Troubleshooting, Maintenance and Inspection $ 3,900
Industrial Pumps - Reliability and Maintenance $ 3,900
Instrument Air Compressor for Operations and Maintenance $ 3,900
Risk Based Inspection of Stationary Equipment $ 3,900
Rotating Equipment Vibration and Monitoring Training $ 4,500
Advanced Mechanical Maintenance Training $ 3,900
Sulzer Pump, Hydrodynamic Couplings and Bergmann Mechanical Seals Training $ 3,900
Maintenance and Operation of Rotating Equipment $ 3,900
Technical Integrity and Engineered Safety in Petrochemical Plants $ 4,500
Total Plant Reliability Centered Maintenance (RCM) $ 4,500
Maintenance of Process Plant Equipment Training $ 3,900
Turnaround and Shutdown Planning skills $ 4,500
Valve and Actuator Technologies $ 3,900
Metallurgy, Materials Selection and Corrosion $ 4,500
Motors, Variable Speed Drives Operation, Maintenance and Troubleshooting $ 3,900
Physical Asset Management: Asset Management Processes and ISO 55001 Implementation Guidance $ 4,500
Certified Maintenance Planner Program $ 3,900
Turnaround Works for Onshore and Offshore Facilities $ 4,500
Batteries and UPS: Design, Operations and Troubleshooting $ 3,900
Innovative Root Cause Analysis $ 3,900
Certified Maintenance Planner and Asset Management $ 4,500
CO2 Compressor Operation Equipment Function and Layout $ 3,900
Operations, Applications, Performance, Maintenance and Troubleshooting of Gas Turbines Training $ 4,500
Pipeline and Piping Inspection, Maintenence and Integrity Assessement (ASME B31 and API 579 Standards) $ 4,500
Cost Effective Maintenance Management $ 3,900
Planning Preventive Maintenance and Scheduling $ 3,900
Plant Maintenance and Trouble Shooting Techniques $ 3,900
Practical Hydraulic Systems: Operation and Troubleshooting $ 4,500
Principles of Rotating Equipment $ 3,500
Pump Technology: Selection, Operation and Maintenance $ 3,900
Pumps and Compressors: Operation, Maintenance and Troubleshooting Training $ 3,900
Fundamentals of Pump and Compressor Systems $ 3,900
Gas Turbine Performance Characteristics $ 4,500
Reliability Centered Maintenance and Total Productivity Maintenance $ 3,900
Reliability, Availability and Maintainability (RAM) $ 3,900
Industrial Boilers Operation, Maintenance and Troubleshooting $ 3,900
Inspection and Maintenance of Above Ground Storage Tanks $ 3,900
Risk-Based-Inspection and Fitness-for-Service of Pipelines, Piping, Vessels and Tanks (API 579-580-581 St and ARDS) and Repair Practices $ 3,900
Integrated Maintenance Cost and Budget Management $ 3,900
Rotating Equipment Selection, Operation, Maintenance, Inspection & Troubleshooting $ 3,900
Steam System Assessment $ 3,900
Machine Failure, PdM And Vibration Analysis $ 4,500
API 579 Fitness for Service Evaluation $ 4,500
Machinery Vibration Analysis (V.I. Specialist Level-I) $ 4,500
Maintenance and Reliability Best Practices: Lowering Life Cycle Cost Equipment $ 3,900
Technical Troubleshooting Technique $ 4,500
Total Productive Maintenance (TPM) Implementation Steps and Process Improvement Tools $ 4,500
Advanced Quality Control Analysis Parameter $ 3,900
Turbo Machinery Maintenance and Troubleshooting $ 3,900
Material Cataloguing in Maintenance Department $ 3,900
Valve Selection and Maintenance Training $ 3,900
Metallurgy, Corrosion and Prevention of Failures: Material Selection and Properties Training $ 3,900
Centrifugal and Reciprocating Pumps and Compressors $ 4,500
Best Practice Plant Reliability, Maintainability Workshop $ 4,500
Operation and Maintenance for Instrument and Rotating Equipment $ 3,900
Shutdown, Turnaround and Troubleshooting of Process Plants $ 3,900
Implementing Effective Preventive and Predictive Maintenance Programmes $ 4,500
AC Dehumidifier Trouble Shooting Training $ 3,900
Bearing Installation Maintenance, Troubleshooting and Failure Analysis $ 4,500
Certified Maintenance Planner (CMP): Maintenance Planning, Scheduling and Work Control $ 3,900
Advanced Corrosion, Monitoring, Prevention and Control $ 4,500
Operation, Maintenance and Troubleshooting of Pumps, Compressors and Valves $ 3,900
Pipeline Integrity Management $ 3,500
Decision Analysis for Operation and Maintenance Professionals $ 4,500
Planning and Managing Shutdowns, Turnarounds $ 3,900
Plant Reliability: Prediction, Analysis and Modeling $ 3,900
Practical Machinery Vibration Monitoring, Analysis and Predictive Maintenance: Vibration Techniques $ 3,900
Excellence in Maintenance and Reliability Management: Rotating Equipment Reliability Optimization and Continuous Improvement Training $ 4,500
Process Plant Shutdown, Turnaround and Troubleshooting $ 3,900
Pump Selection, Installation, Performance and Control Training $ 3,900
Pumps and Valves Technology: Design, Operation, Control, Troubleshooting and Maintenance $ 3,900
Fundamentals of Machinery Lubrication $ 4,500
Advanced Maintenance Planning and Management Techniques $ 3,900
Implementation, Integration and Management of Risk Based Inspection(RBI) $ 3,900
Inspection FFS Flaw Evaluation, and Repair/Alterations of Pressure Vessels $ 4,500
Road Maintenance Training $ 3,900
Integrated Program in Operation and TPM Training $ 3,900
Safety Relief Valve Inspection, Maintenance, Operation, Troubleshooting and Repair $ 3,900
Steam Boilers : Operation, Maintenance and Control System Training $ 4,500
Machinery Bearings, Lubrication & Reliability (Engineering Tribology) $ 4,500
Supervising Maintenance Planning, Scheduling and Work Control $ 4,500
Machinery Vibration Analysis and Predictive Maintenance $ 3,900
Maintenance and Asset Management – Railways $ 3,900
Troubleshooting Diagnostic and Maintenance of Vehicle Using Automotive Diagnostic tools $ 3,900
Maintenance Optimization and Best Practices $ 4,500
Turnaround Works for Onshore and Offshore Facilities $ 3,900
Vehicle Maintenance Management and Inspection Training $ 3,900
Materials for Operation and Maintenance of Stationary and Mobile Equipment $ 3,900
Mechanical Maintenance Planning and SchedulingTraining $ 3,900
Corrosion Prevention and Control Training $ 3,900
Multistage Pump Overhauling $ 4,500
Building Operational Excellence in The Process Industry $ 3,500
Rotating Equipment Alignment and Balancing $ 4,500
Asset integrity Management for Purpose-Built FPSO’s and Subsea System Facilities $ 3,500
Vehicle Fleet Development and Management $ 3,900
Basic CSI Machinery Vibration $ 4,500
Compressor Design, Operation and Maintenance $ 3,900
Optimizing Asset Availability Using Reliability Engineering $ 3,900
Control Valve and Actuator: Selection, Calculations, Sizing, Applications, Operation, Diagnostic Testing, Trouble Shooting and Maintenance $ 3,900
Equipment Life Cyle and Reliability Management $ 4,500
Positive Displacement Pump Maintenance Training $ 4,500
Practical Pump and Valve Technology: Selection, Operation, Control, Maintenance and Troubleshooting Training $ 3,900
Preventive Maintenance and Troubleshooting of Pumps and Compressors $ 4,500
Pumps, Compressors and Valves Maintenance $ 3,900
Gas Turbine Design and Performance Training $ 3,900
Reliability Centered Maintenance RCM II Facilitator $ 4,500
Inspection, Repair, Alteration and Re-rating of Piping Systems (API 570: Piping Inspection CODE) $ 4,500
Road Pavement Design, Maintenance and Rehabilitation Techniques Training $ 4,500
Integrity Assessment and Repair of Pressure Equipment and Piping $ 3,900
Rotating Equipment Optimisation with Continuous Reliability Improvement (CRI) $ 3,900
Lift Gas Compressor: Centrifugal Compressors Operations & Maintenance, Installation & Mechnics $ 3,900
Surface Equipment - Maintenance and Operation $ 3,900
Maintenance and Troubleshooting Of Conveyors and Chutes $ 3,900
Troubleshooting Plant Rotating Equipment and Effective Predictive Maintenance $ 4,500
Turbo Compressor Performance $ 3,900
Maintenance Management Skills $ 3,900
Managing Plant Maintenance $ 4,500
Vibration Techniques: Practical Machinery Vibration Monitoring, Analysis and Predictive Maintenance $ 4,500
Cathodic Protection System in Oil and Gas Exploration industry Training $ 3,900
Modern Maintenance Technologies: Challenging Traditional Approaches in Maintenance Training $ 3,900
Centrifugal Compressor, Steam Turbine Design, Operations and Maintenance and Operation and Maintenance of Hydraulically Operated Equipment $ 4,500
Failure Mode Effect and Criticality Analysis (FMECA) Facilitator Skills Training $ 3,900
FLNG Operation and Maintenance (Floating Liquefied Natural Gas) $ 3,900
Oil Refinery Cost Management Training $ 3,900
Metallurgy and Rolling Mill Operation Training $ 3,900
Advance Boiler Operation, Inspection and Maintenance $ 3,900
Certified Reliability Engineering Excellence: Reliability Centered Maintenance and Total Productivity Maintenance $ 4,500
Compressors and Pumps: Selection, Sizing, Applications, Operation, Diagnostic Testing and Troubleshooting $ 3,500
Advanced Troubleshooting of Rotating Equipment Training $ 3,900
Optimizing Equipment Maintenance and Replacement Decisions $ 3,900
Advanced Machinery Reliability Analysis $ 3,900
Piping Systems and Pipeline integrity With An Application of ASME B31 Codes $ 4,500
Advanced Vibration Diagnostics $ 4,500
Equipment's Reliability and Optimization $ 3,900
Advanced Water Distribution System Operation and Maintenance $ 3,900
Preventive Maintenance Programs Doing More With Less $ 3,900
Pump and Valve Operation, Control, Maintenance and Troubleshooting Training $ 3,900
Failures, Failure Prevention and Repairs to Static Process Equipment and Piping $ 3,900
Pump, Selection, Construction, Operation, Maintenance, Repair and Troubleshooting $ 4,500
Pumps, Compressors, Turbines Operation Maintenance and Troubleshooting $ 3,900
Gas Turbine Applications and Economics Training $ 4,500
Gas Turbines Operations, Technology, Troubleshooting & Protection $ 3,900
Reliability Central Maintenance for Engineers $ 3,900
HP Pump Operation, Maintenance, Overhauling and Troubleshooting $ 3,900
Industrial Equipment: Compressors, Pumps, Motors and Variable-Speed Drive, Selection Sizing and Application $ 3,900
Roll Pass Design and Mill Operation $ 4,500
Internal Corrosion for Pipelines Basic Training $ 3,900
Rotating Equipment Reliability Optimization and Continuous Improvement $ 3,500
Shutdown Planning and Control $ 3,900
Certified Lifting & Rigging Equipment: Selection, Sizing, Applications, Operation, Diagnostic Testing & Trouble $ 4,500
Steel Aboveground Storage Tanks Inspection, Repair, Maintenance and Corrosion Control $ 3,900
Machinery Failure Analysis, Prevention & Troubleshooting: Machinery Diagnostics and Root Cause Failure $ 4,500
Surge Relief Valve, Inspection, Maintenance and Troubleshooting $ 4,500
Advanced Pigging and Plant Engineering $ 3,900
Maintenance And Troubleshooting Of UPS Systems And Battery Power Supplies $ 4,500
Testing and Maintenance of Protective Devices $ 3,900
Maintenance Management Skills for Maintenance Management $ 3,900
API 653: Tank Inspection Code: Inspection, Repair, Alteration & Reconstruction of Steel Aboveground Storage Tanks Used in the Petrochemical Industry (API Exam Preparation Training) $ 3,900
Voith Coupling Overhaul Training $ 3,900
Mechanical Integrity and Reliability in Refineries Petrochemical and Process Plants $ 3,900
Corrosion Control by Cathodic Protection $ 3,900
Modern Valve Technology $ 3,500
Fitness-for-Service (FFS) of Process Plant Equipment, Pressure Vessels, Piping and Storage Facilities (API 579-1/ASME FFS-1) $ 3,900
Operation Maintenance and Troubleshooting of Pumps Compressor and Valves $ 3,900
Boiler Operation, Maintenance and Water Treatment Technology Training $ 3,900
Centrifugal Compressor Design and Performance $ 4,500
Centrifugal Compressors and Steam Turbines $ 3,900
Big Data Analytics for Predictive Maintenance Strategies $ 4,500
AS 9110 Quality Maintenance System $ 3,900
Basics and Applications of Renewable Energy Systems $ 3,900
Applying Reliability Engineering Principles to Process Equipment Maintenance $ 4,500
Risk Based Strategies for Inspection & Maintenance (RBI & RBM) $ 3,900
Maintenance Analytics Training $ 3,900
Achieving CMMS Data Integrity $ 3,900
Advanced Axial Compressor $ 3,900
Compressors Failure Analysis Inspection and Troubleshooting $ 3,900
Operation Troubleshooting and Corrective Maintenance $ 3,900
Pipeline and Piping Design, installation, Operation, inspection, Testing, Maintenance, Repair, FFS, Pigging, integrity and Rehabilitation (ASME B31 and API 579 Standards) $ 4,500
Corrective and Preventive Maintenance Program $ 3,900
Design, Construction, Maintenance and Mechanical Integrity of ASME B31.3 Process Piping $ 3,900
Economic and Technical Evaluations for Engineering and Maintenance Projects $ 3,900
Pipeline Operation and Maintenance $ 4,500
Piping Vibration Analysis and Practical Engineering Solutions $ 3,900
Essential Methodologies for Maintenance $ 3,900
Practical Pump Technology Selection, Operation and Maintenance $ 3,900
Principles and Operation of Centrifugal Pumps $ 4,500
Pump Maintenance: Efficient Operation and Maintenance Strategies for Rotating Pumps $ 4,500
Failure Mode Effect Analysis (FMEA) $ 3,900
Fans and Blowers: Performance, Measurement and Maintenance $ 4,500
Pumps, Valves, Heat Exchanger,Operation and Troubleshooting $ 4,500
Gas Turbine Operations with MK VI Speedtronic Control System $ 4,950
Reliability Modelling Engineering $ 3,900
Heat Exchangers and Fired Heaters Operation and Troubleshooting Training $ 3,900
Hydraulic and Pneumatic Maintenance and Troubleshooting $ 3,900
Rolling Mill Operation Level LL Training $ 3,900
Internal Corrosion for Pipelines-Advanced $ 3,500
API 570 Piping Inspection Code: Inspection, Repair, Alteration and Re-rating of in-Service Piping Systems API Exam Preparation Training) $ 4,500
Selection and Maintenance of non-Metallic pipelines $ 4,500
API 576  of Pressure-Relieving Devices $ 3,900
LNG and LPG Fire $ 3,900
Machinery Failure, Vibration Analysis and Predictive Maintenance Training $ 3,900
Systematic Preventive and Predictive Maintenance $ 3,500
Maintenance Auditing, Benchmarking & Performance Improvement towards World-Class Status $ 4,500
Maintenance of MSF Training $ 3,900
Maintenance Planning, Scheduling, Auditing and Benchmarking $ 3,900
Turbo Expander Operation, Performance, Maintenance and Troubleshooting $ 4,500
Maintenance Task Analysis (MTA) $ 3,900
Uninterruptable Power Supply (UPS) Maintenance $ 3,900
API118 - API TES 2015/2016: Tank Entry Supervisor Certification Program (API Exam Preparation Training) $ 3,900
API-579/580/581: Risk-Based-Inspection (RBI), Fitness-for-Service (FFS) and Repair Practices of Pipelines, Piping, Vessels and Tanks in Refineries, Gas, Oil and Petrochemical Facilities Training $ 4,500
Modicon Quantum PLC Maintenance and Troubleshooting $ 3,900
Corrosion Inhibitors Training $ 4,500
Petroleum Project Economics and Risk Analysis $ 3,900
Operation and Maintenance of Hydraulically Operated Equipment $ 4,500
Best Practices in Maintenance and Reliability (CMRP Exam) $ 3,900
Boiler Operation, Maintenance and Safety Training $ 4,500
Centrifugal Gas Compressor (Operation, Control, Start Up, Shutdown, Maintenance and Troubleshooting) $ 4,500
OFM Waterflood Monitoring and Surveillance $ 3,900
Maintenance Audit and Site Inspection $ 3,900
Understanding & Preventing Process Equipment Failures: Testing, Analysis and Inspection $ 4,500
Turbine Design, Operation, Performance, Maintenance and Trouble-Shooting $ 4,500
Advanced Battery Management and Maintenance Services $ 3,900
Operation, Diagnostics and Maintenance of Equipment for Oil and Gas Production $ 3,900
Compressors Major Inspection and Overhaul $ 4,500
Compressors Operation, Maintenance and Troubleshooting $ 3,900
Effective Contractor Management in Maintenance and Technical Projects $ 3,900
Effective Maintenance Leadership Skills for The 21st Century $ 4,500
Piping  Design and Maintenance $ 4,500
Practical Shutdown and Turnaround Management for Engineers and Managers $ 3,900
Predictive and Preventive Maintenance $ 3,900
Alignment and Troubleshooting of Rotating Machinery Training $ 3,900
API-579/ASME FFS-1 and PCC-2 Standards: Fitness-for-Service, Remaining Life Assessment and Repair of Pressure Equipment and Piping $ 3,900
Pumps: Design, Operation and Maintenance $ 4,500
Implementation, Integration and Management of Predictive Maintenance $ 4,500
Rotating Equipment: Start-up, Operation, Maintenance & Troubleshooting $ 3,900
Root Cause Analysis: Solving Problems by Eliminating Causes $ 3,500
Advanced Maintenance Techniques $ 3,900
API 510: Pressure Vessel Inspection Code: Maintenance, Inspection, Rating, Repair, and Alteration (API Exam Preparation Training) $ 7,800
Solar Power Systems $ 3,900
Machinery Problem-Solving Sequence $ 4,500
Systems Fundamentals and Heating, Ventilation and Air-Conditioning (HVAC) Systems $ 4,500
Tank Farm and Tank Terminal Safety and Integrity Management Training $ 3,900
Maintenance Contracting and Outsourcing $ 3,500
Modern Maintenance Technologies: Challenging Traditional Approaches in Maintenance $ 3,900
Water Distribution Systems and Pumping Stations Training $ 4,500
Water System Design and Operation of Distribution Networks $ 3,900
Mechanical and Rotating Equipment Troubleshooting and Maintenance Training $ 4,500
API-580/581: Introduction to Risk Based Inspection (RBI) Methodologies and Practices in Refineries, Gas, Oil and Petrochemical Facilities (API Exam Preparation) $ 4,500
Boilers, Boiler Controls and Combustion Efficiency Training $ 4,500
Pumps and Compressors: Design, Operation, Maintenance and Trouble-Shooting $ 4,500
ASME B31.3 Process Piping Design, Construction, Maintenance and Mechanical Integrity Training $ 3,900
ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code : Section VIII, Division 1, Design and Fabrication of Pressure $ 3,900
API 6A: X-mas Tree & Wellhead Operations, Maintenance & Testing $ 3,900
Asset Integrity Management in Oil And Gas Industries Training $ 3,900
Above Ground Storage Tanks : Design, Operation and Maintenance $ 4,500
Achieving World Class Maintenance Performance $ 3,900
Advanced Generator Maintenance Training $ 3,900
Advanced Valve Technology: Design, Selection, Installation, Applications and Pumps: Design, Operation And Maintenance $ 4,500
Design, Analysis and Fabrication of Pressure Vessels $ 3,900
Diesel Engine and Crane Maintenance $ 4,500
Effective Maintenance Planning and Scheduling $ 3,900
Piping and Valves: Design, Construction, Operation and integrity $ 3,900
Facility integrity and Technical Audit Training $ 3,900
Predictive and Preventive Maintenance for Diesel Generator $ 4,500
Failure Modes and Effects Analysis (FMEA) and Reliability Centered Maintenance Training $ 3,900
RBI And FFS of Pipeline, Piping, Vessels and Tanks (API 579-580-581) and Repair Practices Training $ 3,900
Heat Exchanger Operation and Troubleshooting $ 3,900
Heavy Duty Gas Turbines $ 3,500
Root Cause Bearing Failure Analysis Training $ 4,500
Introduction to Static Equipment (Valves, Pressure Vessels, Piping & Heat Exchanger) $ 4,500
Screw Instrument Air Compressor Operation and Maintenance (Kaeser) $ 4,500
Shutdown Management $ 3,900
Tank Farm Operation and Performance Training $ 3,900
Technical Competence for Non-Technical Professionals $ 4,500
Maintenance Planning, Scheduling and Work Control (Maintenance Management Professional) $ 4,500
Advanced Reliability Centered Maintenance $ 3,900
Underwater Welding Techniques $ 3,900
Managing Efficient Shutdowns and Turnarounds $ 3,900
Mastering Advanced Management Skills for Maintenance Leadership $ 3,900
Wind Energy Utilization Training $ 4,500
ASME Sec IX, Welding and Brazing Training $ 3,900
API 579-1/ASME FFS-1: Fitness-for-Service (FFS) of Process Plant Equipment, Pressure Vessels, Piping and Storage Facilities Training $ 4,500
Offshore Structures Design, Construction, Inspection, Maintenance and Repair $ 4,500
Operation Emergency Handling and Troubleshooting of HP Pump $ 3,900
Best Practices for Cost Effective Maintenance $ 4,500
Best Practices In Multishift Operations Achieving Operational Excellence In Multishift Management $ 3,900
ASME B31.3 Process Piping Design Code $ 4,500
ASME VIII Pressure Vessel Design, Fabrication and Testing Training $ 3,900
Computerized Maintenance and Materials Management System $ 3,900
Effective Reliability and Maintenance Best Practices $ 4,500
Predictive Maintenance Data Analysis and interpretation $ 3,900
Reciprocating Air Compressors Maintenance $ 3,900
Root Cause Failure Analysis and Reliability $ 4,500
Inverter & UPS System Operation, Maintenance & Troubleshooting $ 3,900
Technical and Operational Aspects of Pipeline Pigging $ 4,500
Maintenance Leadership and Technology Best Practices $ 3,900
Maintenance Technology Best Practices: Inspection, Analysis and Monitoring $ 3,900
Advanced Shutdown and Turnaround Management Training $ 3,900
World-Class Preventive and Predictive Maintenance $ 3,900
Condition Based Maintenance and Condition Monitoring $ 3,900
Optimising Equipment Maintenance and Replacement Decisions $ 3,900
Asset Integrity Management for Purpose-Built FPSO’s and Subsea System Facilities Training $ 4,500
Effective Reliability Maintenance and Superior Maintenance Strategies $ 3,900
Pressure Vessels Inspector or International Welding Inspectors Training $ 3,900
Reciprocating Compressors Operation and Maintenance $ 3,900
Rotating Equipment and Performance Monitoring $ 3,900
Investing in Effective Maintenance: Improving System Operational Success to Achieve Safe and Profita $ 3,500
Maintenance Management and Technology Best Practices $ 3,500
Maintenance, Inspection, Rating, Repair and Alteration of Pressure Vessels (API 510 Exam Preparation) $ 7,800
Management Strategy and the Quality of Maintenance Systems $ 3,900
Managing Shutdowns, Turnarounds and Outages $ 3,900
Material Cataloguing, Specifications, Handling and Storage $ 3,900
Acoustic and Flow induced Vibration Training $ 4,500
Modern Cathodic Protection Systems: Design, Fabrication, installation, Testing and Repair $ 4,500
Sustainable Maintenance: Strategies for Long-Term Asset Performance $ 3,900
Maintenance Errors: Understanding, Identifying and Managing the Human Factor $ 3,900
Asset Integrity Management for The Petroleum Industry Training $ 4,500
Advanced Maintenance in Offshore Industries $ 4,950
Preventive and Corrective Maintenance Scheduling $ 3,900
Refractory (Properties and Application ) $ 3,900
Rotating Equipment Failure Analysis and Reliability Optimization $ 4,500
ISO 55000 and Risk-Based Asset Management $ 4,500
Maintenance Management Best Practices: Systems, tools and Techniques $ 4,500
Vibration Analysis and Practical Solutions $ 3,900
Modern Maintenance and Operation of Rotating Equipment Technologies $ 3,900
Certificate in Advanced Maintenance Management $ 4,500
Asset Integrity Management System $ 3,500
API 618 Standards for Reciprocating Compressor Petrochemical $ 3,900
Achieving Excellence in Asset Integrity Management $ 4,500
Construction and Maintenance of Asphalt and Gravel Roads $ 3,900
Diagnostics, Maintenance and Operation of Rotating Machinery $ 4,500
Pipelines Hot Tapping and Plugging Equipment $ 3,900
Advanced Warehouse Management, Warehousing Performance Measures, Storage Control & Safety $ 3,900
Air Compressors, Operation, Maintenance and Troubleshooting $ 3,900
Failure Mode Effect and Criticality Analysis (FMECA) Facilitator Skills Training $ 3,900
Alignment Methods and Application of Rotating Machinery and Trouble Shooting $ 3,900
Heavy Duty Diesel Engine (HDD) Operation and Maintenance $ 3,900
Rotating Equipment Fundamental and Performance Monitoring $ 3,900
Shaft Repair, Alignment and Balancing $ 3,900
KILN Troubleshooting $ 4,500
Maintenance Management Masterclass $ 4,500
Maintenance Strategy Development and Cost Effective Implementation $ 3,900
Management of Boilers, Steam Turbines and Steam Plant $ 3,900
Pipelines Design inspection and Testing $ 4,500
Modern Maintenance and Reliability Management: Planning, Estimating, $ 4,500
Petroleum Refining-Production Planning, Scheduling and Yield Optimisation $ 3,900
Operation and Maintenance of Lifting Equipment $ 4,500
Best Practices in Maintenance Management Strategy $ 3,500
Venue List
Amsterdam, Netherlands Click for Details
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Cairo, Egypt Click for Details
Abu Dhabi, UAE Click for Details
Istanbul, Turkey Click for Details
Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia Click for Details
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Sharm El-Sheikh Click for Details
Doha, Qatar Click for Details
London, UK Click for Details
Manama, Bahrain Click for Details
Al-Khobar, KSA Click for Details
Riyadh, KSA Click for Details
Bangkok, Thailand Click for Details
Bali, Indonesia Click for Details
Paris, France Click for Details
New York, USA Click for Details
Roma, Italy Click for Details
Muscat, Oman Click for Details
Kuwait Click for Details
Alexandria , Egypt Click for Details
Jeddah, KSA Click for Details
Trabzon, Turkey Click for Details
Vienna Click for Details
Azerbaijan Click for Details
Madrid, Spain Click for Details
Barcelona, Spain Click for Details
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Dammam, KSA Click for Details
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Puncak , Indonesia Click for Details
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Italy , Milan Click for Details
Stockholm, Sweden Click for Details
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Yalova, Turkey Click for Details
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