Muscat, Oman

Title Fees (US $)
Leading through VUCA: Volatility, Uncertainty, Complexity and Ambiguity $ 4,500
Maximising Press and Media Coverage $ 4,500
DCS Applications, Selection and Troubleshooting $ 4,500
Remote Leak Detection of Gases and Fluids: Pipeline Leak Detection $ 4,500
Clastic Exploration & Reservoir Sedimentology $ 4,500
Advanced Well Design and Drilling Optimization $ 4,500
The Executive Secretary - Excellence Program $ 4,500
Practical Industrial Data Communications and Telecommunications $ 4,500
Structural Condition Assessment of Existing Structures $ 4,500
Buildings’ comprehensive maintenance (building envelope and finishes) $ 4,500
Administration and Office Management: Best Practices and Technology $ 4,500
International Accounting Standards $ 4,500
Basic Operation and Theory of Steam and Gas Turbines Co Generation and Combined Cycle Plants $ 4,500
ISO 9001 la (ISO 29001- 2010 Lead Auditor) $ 4,500
Testing and Maintenance of Protective Devices $ 4,500
QA/QC from Mechanical Perspective $ 4,500
Offshore Pipeline Design, Construction, Inspection, Maintenance and Repair (Subsea Pipeline Engineer) $ 4,500
Advanced Mechanical Maintenance Training $ 4,500
Safety and Risk Management in Onshore Operation and Prediction $ 4,500
Effective Government Relations for the Oil and Gas Sector $ 4,500
Certified Occupational Health Safety & Industrial Hygiene (Accredited by Dubai Health Authority-DHA) $ 4,500
SME Banking Financial & Cash flow Analysis $ 4,500
Sucker Rod Pumps - Application Engineering $ 4,500
Defensive Driving Train the Trainers Course $ 4,500
Catering Contracts Supervision and Control $ 4,500
Safety Relief Valve: Sizing, Selection, Operation, Inspection, Maintenance and Troubleshooting (PRV and POPRV/PORV) API 520/521/526/527 $ 4,500
Marine Environmental Risk and Disaster Management $ 4,500
Transients, Surges and Faults in Power Systems $ 4,500
Rotating Equipment Optimisation with Continuous Reliability Improvement (CRI) $ 4,500
Best Practices in Healthcare Performance Improvement Training $ 4,500
Steam Turbine Technology: Design, Operation, Control and Troubleshooting $ 4,500
Managing Tenders, Specifications and Contracts $ 4,500
Advanced Power Distribution Engineering for Utilities $ 4,500
Happiness: Sustaining a Motivating Work Culture $ 4,500
Fluid Catalytic Cracking Training $ 4,500
Catering Contracts Supervision and Control Training $ 4,500
Building Executive Team Success: the Key To A Winning Global Enterprise $ 4,500
Compliance Regulatory Professionals $ 4,500
Compressor Design, Operation, and Maintenance $ 4,500
Safety Instrumented Systems (SIS) for Process Industries Using IEC 60511 and IEC 61508 $ 4,500
Bulk Liquid and Tank Cleaning $ 4,500
Setting Priorities, Time Management and Stress Reduction: Managing Stress and Pressure at Work $ 4,500
Certified Cost Professional Exam (CCP®) Preparation Training $ 4,500
Risk Based Process Safety Management (RBPS) $ 4,500
Certificate in Supervising Security Operations Training $ 4,500
Financial Modelling & Valuation Analyst (FMVA®) Certification $ 4,500
Awareness in Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) $ 4,500
Carbonate Seismic Reservoir Analysis $ 4,500
The A To Z of Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) $ 4,500
Introduction to Static Equipment (Valves, Pressure Vessels, Piping & Heat Exchanger) $ 4,500
Modern Wi-Fi Solutions to instrumentation and Control $ 4,500
Optimization and Rehabilitation of Water Treatment Plants $ 4,500
Advanced Data Management for Oil and Gas Professionals $ 4,500
Elements of Applied Process Engineering $ 4,500
Catering Management $ 4,500
Supplier Relation Management Training $ 4,500
Drilling Risk Management Certification $ 4,500
Design, Installation, Maintenance and Troubleshooting of Modern Heating, Ventilation, Air-Conditioning (HVAC) and Refrigeration Systems $ 4,500
NASP Workplace Safety and Health $ 4,500
CILT Certificate in Supply Chain and Logistics Management $ 4,500
How to Evaluate HR Effectiveness Training $ 4,500
Mini MBA: Shipping Management, Leadership and Strategy $ 4,500
Certified Boiler Operation, Control, Maintenance and Troubleshooting $ 4,500
Distillation and Unit Operation Control and Troubleshooting $ 4,500
Lean Architecture $ 4,500
Process Dynamic Simulation For Chemical Engineering In Aspen Hysys $ 4,500
Certified Quality Process Analyst (CQPA) (ASQ Exam Preparation Training) $ 4,500
Heavy Duty Gas Turbines $ 4,500
Multi Effect Desalination, MED Water Desalination Method, Operation, Startup and Trouble Shooting $ 4,500
Food Services and Stacking of Goods in Warehouse & Showrooms $ 4,500
Fundamentals of Auditing Program $ 4,500
Validation of Test Methods in Microbiology Laboratories $ 4,500
UPS Design, Operation and Troubleshooting $ 4,500
Gas Turbine Condition Monitoring and Fault Diagnosis Training $ 4,500
PLC Elementary and Control Loops $ 4,500
Applications of Risk and Simulation Modeling for Oil and Gas Industry $ 4,500
Emotional Intelligence : Psychology of Leadership $ 4,500
Aromatics Manufacturing Process Technology: Benzene and Paraxylene $ 4,500
Certified Quality Inspector (CQI) $ 4,500
Pipe Stress Analysis, Expansion Joint and Support Selection $ 4,500
Advanced Legal Translation and Memo Writing $ 4,500
PLC for Process Control & Automation $ 4,500
Sales Professional Certificate $ 4,500
Dynamic Business Reports and Dashboards Using Excel $ 4,500
Advanced Stores and Inventory Management $ 4,500
Pipeline and Piping Inspection, Maintenence and Integrity Assessement (ASME B31 and API 579 Standards) $ 4,500
External Plant Safety $ 4,500
Technologies of Roll Pass Design and Mill Operation Strategy $ 4,500
Leadership and Team Development for Managerial Success $ 4,500
Well Head Control Panels $ 4,500
Reservoir Seismic Attributes: Analysis and Interpretation $ 4,500
Document Retention, Archiving and Information Security $ 4,500
Ships and Marine Ports Management $ 4,500
Fundamentals of Deepwater Riser Engineering $ 4,500
Transition to ISO 45001: Occupational Health and Safety Management System $ 4,500
Decision Analysis for Operation and Maintenance Professionals $ 4,500
Practical Safety Instrumentation and ESD Systems and Practical Fieldbus and Device Networks for Engineers and Technicians $ 4,500
Supervising Maintenance Planning, Scheduling and Work Control $ 4,500
Electronic Document Management Systems (EDMS) $ 4,500
Developing and Implementing a Successful Corporate Social Responsibility $ 4,500
Advanced Project Management $ 4,500
Principles, Valves, Actuators and Steam Traps: Sizing, Selection, Operation and Maintenance - SMRP Certification $ 4,500
Certified Risk Management for all Professionals $ 4,500
Preventive Maintenance and Troubleshooting of Pumps and Compressors $ 4,500
Best Practices-Competency Assurance Management System. $ 4,500
Electric Distribution System Equipment Preventive Maintenance (EPM) and Engineering Principles $ 4,500
Electrical Control Circuits and Equipment: Applications and Troubleshooting (Practical Approach) $ 4,500
CILT Level 5 -Supply Chain Flow Planning $ 4,500
World Class Internal Audit Program $ 4,500
Process Measurement, Instrumentation and Process Control $ 4,500
Roll Pass Design and Mill Operation $ 4,500
Road Geometric Design Training $ 4,500
Electrical Installations In Hazardous Areas: Classification, Safe Handling, Operation and Maintenance $ 4,500
Oil Pollutions and Soil Contamination Controls $ 4,500
ISO 22301: Business Continuity Management Auditor/Lead Auditor $ 4,500
ISO 29001:2010 QMS Awareness Program $ 4,500
Resource and Cost Analysis with P3 $ 4,500
Basic Reservoir Management $ 4,500
Business Process Mapping (Re-Design): How To Streamline and Re-Engineer Business Processes $ 4,500
Crane Operator Onshore/Offshore $ 4,500
Stuck Pipe Prevention and Fishing Operations $ 4,500
Emergency Response Management: Planning, Leadership and Communication $ 4,500
Commissioning Testing and Start Up of Electrical Systems $ 4,500
Basic Planning and Scheduling with Primavera 5.0 $ 4,500
Heat Transfer and Thermal Design in the Process Industry $ 4,500
Advanced Wastewater Treatment Technology $ 4,500
Thermal-Infrared Testing (IR) & Thermography Testing Training $ 4,500
Power Systems Control and Stability $ 4,500
ISO 50001: Energy Management Systems $ 4,500
Implementation of Quality Management and Environmental Systems ISO 17025 $ 4,500
ASME Plant Inspection Level 1 $ 4,500
Strategic Public Relations and Protocol Program $ 4,500
Boilers, Boiler Controls and Combustion Efficiency Training $ 4,500
Enhance Oil Recovery Methods: Theory and Application $ 4,500
Maritime Security Management and Control as per ISPS Code $ 4,500
Security Incident Management and Investigations $ 4,500
Fiber Optics – Communication Training: A Roadmap for Maintaining Fiber Optics Systems $ 4,500
International Classification of Diseases (ICD-10) $ 4,500
Measurement Uncertainty in Testing ISO-IEC 17025 $ 4,500
Advanced Drilling Technology $ 4,500
Heat Rate Audit & Analysis of Thermal Power Plants $ 4,500
Fundamentals of Chemical Engineering $ 4,500
Advanced Operation & Safety Practices in Terminals Handling Ships Carrying Liquefied Gases in Bulk $ 4,500
Managing and Controlling Emotions in the Workplace $ 4,500
Practical Drillstem Test (DST) Interpretation $ 4,500
Optical Fiber within Transmission Network $ 4,500