Italy , Milan

Title Fees (US $)
Successful Planning and Organizing Training $ 4,950
Joint Venture and Other Collaboration Agreement for The Oil and Gas Industry $ 4,950
Customer Complaint Management $ 4,950
Accident Investigation Certification $ 4,950
Managing Customer Service and Quality in Logistics and Transport (CILT) $ 4,950
Heat Exchanger Operation, Maintenance and Troubleshooting $ 4,950
Contractors Classification, Pre-Qualifications and Selections $ 4,950
Advanced Reliability Centered Maintenance $ 4,950
Design of Storage Tanks, Operation and Troubleshooting Training $ 4,950
Chiller Design, Installation, Maintenance and Troubleshooting $ 4,950
MINING & MINERALS EXPLORATION TECHNOLOGY (Introduction to the Minerals Industry) $ 4,950
Achieving Administrative Excellence Training $ 4,950
Innovation in Teams and the Organisation: Creating the Catalyst for Organisational Advancement $ 4,950
The Art of Identification and Analysis of Training Needs (Certified By ILM) $ 4,950
Advanced Business Communication: Business Writing for Results $ 4,950
Portfolio Management and Corporate Finance Principles $ 4,950
Application of VBA and Advanced Excel to Financial Modeling and Analysis $ 4,950
Certified Train the Trainer Program $ 4,950
Leadership, Creativity and Peak Performance: Implementing Creative Leadership $ 4,950
Change Management: Leading Successful Transformations $ 4,950
Control of Substances Hazardous to Health (COSHH) $ 4,950
Negotiating and Managing PPP Contracts $ 4,950
PHA for Team Leaders $ 4,950